Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Intelligence Managing the Business

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Intelligence for Managing your Business. Answer: Introduction: In a business process the dashboard is a visualization tool that is required for displaying the status of the business. The dashboard is generally made of numbers, metrics and the score card that is generally displayed in a single screen. The main advantage of using the dashboard is that it can customize according to the needs and the requirement of the company and it can provide the real time data about the information about the company. In this assignment, the business intelligence aspect of the Uber Company is described and also how the Uber Company has used the advantage of business dashboard. What are the Benefits that a Dashboard can Bring in General? For a rapidly growing company like the Uber, the dashboard can have dramatic impact on the performance of the business. The dashboard can be very effective as it helps to display all the important facts and information about the company (Miller and Cioffi, 2014). With the help of the dash board it is possible to get more value for the company data. It is often very difficult to organize the huge information and data for a company like Uber and in this case the dashboard can be of great use for efficiently storing those data and display using proper graphs and charts. The multiple data can also be manipulated with the help of dashboard (Eckerson, 2005). It helps to save a huge amount of time that is required that is ultimately help to increase the efficiency of the business of the company. The use of dashboard also provides good opportunity for the customers of Uber to get valuable information of the companys statistics. Hence, it provides total clarity about the company by providing them user dashboard. It therefore, helps to increase the reputation about the company. Figure 1: Business Dashboard (Source: Miller and Cioffi, 2014) Initial Thoughts on which Data Should be Included (Including Internal and External Data) The dashboard of Uber consists of important statistics of the company like the sales report or the financial report and also the annual growth report. In order to increase the importance of the dashboard, the company needs to include the full detail information of the sales report. The data also need to be specific for a single class of audience, which will ultimately help to increase the popularity of the dashboard. The information in the dashboard also depend on the type of the dashboard namely, operational, analytical and strategic dashboard. The operational dashboard consist information about the operation of the company. The strategic dashboard consist information about the Key Performance Indicator of the company. There is also the analytical dashboard that displays the strategic data of the company (Eckerson, 2010). The Uber Company thus displays the data depending on the type of dashboard that is kept in the display. Overall Uber need to provide information about the type and quality of service they are providing to the public. Potential Challenges in Implementing the Dashboard (eg: Data Quality, Data Availability) Before the implementation of the dashboard Uber needs to be careful about the information they are providing in their dashboard. They need to ensure that the accurate correct and updated data need to be provided in the dashboard. In correct and wrong information can harm the reputation of the company in the public. It is thus important to maintain the quality of the data. Moreover, the company also needs to ensure that the data can be accessed by wide range of audience. This can help to increase the popularity and also the level of clarity about the dashboard (Bateman et al. 2012). Suggested Audience for the Dashboard The audience of the dashboard about Uber consist of the all the major stakeholders like the Uber partner and also the employees. The suppliers of the Uber also form a major part of the audience. Planned Method for Implementing, Including who needs to be Involved In order to develop a dashboard there are some essential methods that are required for the plan implementation. Business intelligence tool is a very significant process that effectively analyse, report and retrieve important information. This software has obtained high appreciation in global market for its fruitful function. According to Watson and Wixom (2007), refreshment of the dashboard is performed by the ETL system that control data warehousing such as extraction of data, transformation of the data to the dashboard and loading the data. The entire process is regulated by the IT professionals who need to be involved in the implementation process of BI tool. Moreover, BI tool formulator are needed to accomplish the aim as well as quality assurance analysts are needed to be involved to evaluate the service that has been made to meet up the need of a dynamic dashboard of UBER Sample Dashboard from Another Organization Various kinds of dashboards are developed for different kinds of requirements of a specific organisation. Just like the dashboard of Uber which has been made to inform the status of the business the social media dashboard depicts the highest likes and comments on a specific post. Moreover, Few (2006) stated that any kind of sharing through any of the popular site of social media shows the impression of the society towards the thought that has been posted in the media. As an example, it can be stated that in a commercial face book page there is a dashboard that reflects the percentage of followers and develops an automated graph that exhibit the actual status of the thought based on which the page has been created. Interest of people also can be identified which is very much significant to feel the vibe of the huge number of population of the society Conclusion The dashboard is an important essential tool that can be used by the Uber Company to provide valuable company information. It will help to increase the range of audience for the company. In order to improve the popularity of the dashboard, it is very important to customize the dashboard with the help of the charts and diagrams. It will ultimately help to increase the reputation of the company with in the public References Bateman, S., Teevan, J. and White, R.W., (2012), May. The search dashboard: how reflection and comparison impact search behavior. In Proceedings of the Sigchi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.pp. 1785-1794 Eckerson, W.W., (2005). What Are Performance Dashboards?.Information Management,15(11), pp.26-30. Eckerson, W.W., (2010).Performance dashboards: measuring, monitoring, and managing your business. John Wiley Sons. Few, S., (2006). Information dashboard design. Miller, A. and Cioffi, J., (2004). Measuring marketing effectiveness and value: the Unisys marketing dashboard.Journal of Advertising Research,44(3), pp.237-243. Watson, H.J. and Wixom, B.H., (2007). The current state of business intelligence.Computer,40(9), pp.96-99.

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