Friday, December 27, 2019

Financial Analysis Of Two Stocks - 1518 Words

Joshua Keister is a senior at SIUE pursuing a degree in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Finance and CMIS. He is wanting to become a Financial Advisor/Planner. The two stocks Joshua picked were Activision Blizzard Inc. and Braskem S.A.. The purpose of these stocks is to obtain high growth with a large-cap company and international growth, helping the portfolio retain its high growth potential and stay diversified. Colton Hamel is in his final semester at SIUE. He is planning to receive his Bachelor’s Degree in Management with a Finance specialization in December. He is looking to pursue a career in banking or financial planning. His analysis was focused on McDonalds and Boeing. These two stocks purpose is to be safe†¦show more content†¦We believe it is important to capitalize on the bullish market we are currently in, but are worried this may not continue in the long run. Due to this, we chose 8 stocks that were a mix of diversified value and growth stocks. Investment Strategy The investment style of an investor who wants to capitalize on favorable current market conditions, but also not be overly bullish and lack protection if the market corrects into a downturn. The stocks we chosen to accomplish this are Activision, Braskem SA, Boeing, McDonald’s, IBM, Hershey, TechTarget, and Willdan Group. Section 2. The Securities Activision, IBM, and TechTarget Section 2.1 Sector Outlook: Technology We are slightly bullish in the technology sector, because of this we have chosen three stocks in this sector. We feel comfortable with this because of the overall size and growth of the technology sector. Our companies in the technology industry specialize in the research and development and the distribution of technologically based goods and/or services. This industry is also producing new and innovating items which makes it a prime choice for investors. In 2016, the tech industry generated market sales of about $2.9 trillion and it expected to grow by 4.7% in 2017 (Bartels, 2016). ActivisionShow MoreRelatedStock Market Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks And Regression Analysis871 Words   |  4 Pages Stock Market Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks and Regression Analysis Tyler T. Procko Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University TO: Professor Michael Perez, M.A., M.F.A. FROM: Tyler T. Procko DATE: 10/03/2016 SUBJECT: Analytical Report Proposal I. Purpose / Background / Audience: Relatively accurate prediction of multi-tiered, non-linear events has long been a difficult and time-consuming task to perform; forecasting the movement ofRead MoreIntroduction to the Finance Company Project979 Words   |  4 Pagesof a major, publicly traded corporation using financial concepts and techniques as well as the concepts and techniques from other business areas. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Incarceration System Of The United States - 1025 Words

Indeed, once upon a time the incarceration system was set in place with two firm duties: retribution and rehabilitation. When did these institutions, once considered virtuous and just, become the hallmark of inequality? On September 27th, 2015, Pope Francis remarked on a visit to a Philadelphia jail â€Å"It is painful when we see prison systems, which are not concerned to care for wounds, to soothe pain, to offer new possibilities,† a moving sentiment that would soon resonate with the American population. Unbeknownst to many listening to his gripping words, â…“ of the world s female prison population is incarcerated in the United States. And if the magnitude of that figure does not astound you, maybe the fact that every 1 in 15 American prisoners are black, while only 1 in 106 prisoners are white, will. These statistics reported by Harper’s Index embody the blatant corruption of the American incarceration system and the innate institutionalized racism the U.S has sustained throughout history. Since the inception of the United States, the government has had one definitive purpose: to protect the people’s rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These prerogatives established a framework for the optimal democratic society, one that would be impartial and benevolent. However, the entire non-white population is barred from sharing in these rights. One of the major ways these rights are denied is through incarceration. A look at our high rates of imprisonment might,Show MoreRelatedThe United States Incarceration System1710 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States incarceration system is a structural foundation of punishment in which is formed by robust authoritarian power. The United States criminal justice system is not an institution to be underestimated, as it represents the highest incarceration rate of all world nations at a staggering 700 inmates per 100 thousand citizens (Krisberg, 7). Based on the social and political structure of democracy in the United States, it is argued that incarceration systems should follow the same rootsRead MoreThe Incarceration System During The United States1252 Words   |  6 PagesOur incarceration system once pursued two firm yet opposing goals: retribution and rehabilitation. The Age of Enlightenment spurred an influx of imprisonment ideologies that soon congealed into a justifiable approach towards criminals. Jails, workhouses, and prisons aimed to reintegrate lawbreakers back into society but not before they were punished. The precarious balance between such contradictory motives unfortunately proved impossible. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The SEQUEY HORN CASE free essay sample

Eugene Decker hung up his office phone and frowned. As part owner of the Squeaky Horn, a musical-instrument repair shop, Decker was responsible for setting the charges for various types of repairs. A potential customer had just called to inquire about the cost to repair the bridge on her cello. After Decker quoted an estimated price for the job, the woman had remarked, â€Å"Thank you for the quote, but I’ll be going to Best Instrument Repair. I’ve heard they give good service, and their prices are lower than yours.† Unfortunately, Decker had heard similar statements many times during the past few months. Ever since Best Instrument Repair had opened across town, Decker and his partners had found themselves having to compete for business more than ever before. To attract repair jobs and avoid layoffs, Decker and his partners had lowered prices for minor repairs for the first time in 10 years. We will write a custom essay sample on The SEQUEY HORN CASE or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Decker looked at the budgeted versus actual operating-profit statement on his desk (Exhibit 1). How could he tell what portion of the company’s lost profits was due to the price decreases and how much was related to other factors? Background The Squeaky Horn was a musical-instrument repair shop that specialized in the repair and restoration of band and orchestral instruments. The shop was owned and managed by Decker and two partners, who were all well regarded for their exacting repair work and attention to detail. Professional musicians from all over the country sent their instruments to the Squeaky Horn for minor adjustments or major overhauls. Demanding concert and travel schedules placed great stress on the delicate parts of musical instruments, and professional musicians were careful to keep their instruments in peak condition. Service Lines Currently, the Squeaky Horn offered four main services: major and minor repairs and restorations of band instruments such as saxophones and French horns, and major and minor This case was prepared by Kristy Lilly (MBA ’03) and Liz Smith (MBA ’04), under the supervision of Professor Mark Haskins. It was written as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright ï £ © 2003 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. All rights reserved. To order copies, send an e-mail to [emailprotected] No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the Darden School Foundation. ââ€"Å  Authorized for use only in the course BU607 at Wilfrid Laurier University taught by Chima Mbagwu from Sep 01, 2013 to Dec 30, 2013. Use outside these parameters is a copyright violation. THE SQUEAKY HORN UVA-C-2183 repairs and restorations of orchestral instruments such as violins and cellos. Historically, minor repairs were billed at a rate of $35.00 an hour for band instruments and $32.50 an hour for orchestral instruments. Major repairs and restorations were performed under individual flat-fee arrangements that were quoted to customers based on the type of work needed for each instrument. The Squeaky Horn’s three owners performed all major repairs and restorations in the shop. Minor repairs of band instruments were performed by hourly employees, and minor repairs of orchestral instruments were performed by three full-time salaried employees. In addition, rush jobs for minor repairs were occasionally performed for local customers only. These jobs were subcontracted to a retired employee of the Squeaky Horn, who performed the repairs for $25 an hour. Rush jobs were billed under flat-fee arrangements that averaged $150 per job. The average rush job took three hours to complete. The Annua l Operating Plan At the beginning of the current year, Decker’s CPA had prepared the annual operating plan for the Squeaky Horn (Exhibit 1). The Squeaky Horn’s business was small and relatively straightforward, which enabled the CPA to develop the company’s operating budget using specific volume and revenue data for each product line. The following information was used in preparing the annual plan: 1. Based on prior years’ work orders, the shop was expected to perform the following number of jobs in the coming year: 390 major band repairs, 1,830 minor band repairs, 540 major orchestral repairs, 1,560 minor orchestral repairs, and 50 rush jobs. Average major repairs were quoted at $400 and $300 for band and orchestral jobs, respectively. The average minor band repair took two hours to complete, whereas the average minor orchestral repair took four hours to complete. 2. All three partners drew annual base salaries of $60,000 plus bonuses of 5 percent of sales revenue. 3. The hourly employees were paid $20 an hour for work performed. 4. The salaried employees were paid annual base salaries of $38,000. To the extent that the number of minor orchestral repairs exceeded 1,560, the orchestral repairers were paid a flat rate of $80 per job to complete those repairs. 5. Replacement parts and other supplies were budgeted at $50 for each major job and $10 for each minor job (including rush jobs), based on experience. 6. Approximately 35 percent of the instruments that the Squeaky Horn worked on were shipped to the shop from out of town. The company expected to incur average shipping charges of $30 per package to ship the instruments back to their owners. 7. Advertising, depreciation, office rent, and miscellaneous expenses were budgeted as fixed expenses. Authorized for use only in the course BU607 at Wilfrid Laurier University taught by Chima Mbagwu from Sep 01, 2013 to Dec 30, 2013. Use outside these parameters is a copyright violation.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Monkey`s Essays - The Monkeys Paw, Wish, Monkeys In Chinese Culture

Monkey`s Paw And Masque Of Red Death Imagine you could wish for your heart's desire. It could be anything you wanted. However, someone would have to die for your wish to come true. Remember, be careful of what you wish for; The consequences may be horrific. The idea of fate and symbolism, when mixed together, can make a lethal pair. Poe and Jacobs use fate and symbolism to paint an effective picture of death. The idea of fate is used in both "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Masque of the Red Death" very well. In "Monkey", the paw manipulates faith. "It moved.....As I wished it twisted in my hand like a snake." The twisting and movement represents someone or something manipulating fate for their wants. In "Masque", the aristocracy also tried to manipulate fate. However, they weren't wishing any material possessions; they were trying to control fate to survive the Red Death. "The abbey was amply provisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion." By provisioning the abbey and taking other precautions, the partygoers were trying to cheat death. Changing your destiny can have consequences. Op and Jacob's both demonstrate this. In "Monkey", the father wishes for two hundred pounds. While it does come true, there was a consequence. This was Herbert's death. The same thing goes for "Masque." Even though the people took precautions (a.k.a. manipulating fate) against the Red Death, they still died. Edgar Allen Poe and W.W. Jacobs do an excellent job of using symbolism in their stories. Jacobs uses the monkey's paw to symbolize someone trying to change or manipulate fate. The fact that is a monkey's paw is important for one reason: A monkey is the only other animal besides humans that has opposable thumbs. In "Masque", one of the seven deadly sins, pride, is used to symbolize fate manipulation. The people had so much pride that they thought they could do anything. They even thought they could change their destiny. Another symbol in "Monkey" is the chessboard and game at the beginning. The chessboard symbolizes life. The pieces are people like us. They can move certain ways, but if they make a mistake or try to do something audacious, there can be consequences. Checkmate, or death, is one of those consequences. The mummer in "Masque" also symbolizes death. "The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closes scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat." This description alone represents the Plague, the death of the people. Poe and Jacobs both used the idea of changing our fate very well in their stories. They did the same with symbolism, too. These two literary concepts can create a vivid image for the reader. I feel there is one major theme you can get from these stories, especially "The Monkey's Paw." That is: Be careful what you wish for.